Monday, January 26, 2009
its official!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
gotta love that man

My wonderful FDH has a way of making me sometimes think what the crap are you smoking? This evening I was talking on the phone with him and he was all excited because he found what he is going to give me as my wedding gift.
I assumed his excitement was a reflection of what mine would be. Never assume. He told me he is going to get me a Mallard [duck] wine holder. You're kidding right? No no...not at all. The convo went something like this
Me: "Honey, is this gift for me or you?"
FDH: "It's for you!"
"Just so you know, I'm not going to have a country kitchen so its not going to go"
"Yes it will"
"No, it can go in your 'man room'"
"I think you will like it"
Lol he's so cute when he's excited and wont take "no" for an answer. Siiiiigh. I will win this battle...
FYI: FDH is obsessed with duck hunting. Here in lies the reason for the fowl holder.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
what bestest friends are for :)
Because there is absolutely nothing to do on a Saturday night in where I live with next to no money, we did the most sensible thing we could think of: go to Target. We "window shopped" for awhile and regretted that we will never have that apartment together that we could decorate [ we both love shopping for home decor ].
I bought a movie then we came back home to watch it and wait for "D" to get there. All 3 of us have been having a hard time lately, each with different aspects of life. We drowned/ignored our sorrows in some hot fudge brownie sundaes. Which were amazing.
They left, but the weather had gotten so bad and the roads very icey that they ended up coming [ rather sliding ] back to stay the night. The weather sucked but it was sooooo nice having them here. I really do miss dormlife and never thought I would. It really made for a lovely weekend surprise!
Friday, January 16, 2009
may i scream now please
Its weird. I've lived in this house since I was about 6, minus the 3 years I was out on my own, and the longer I stay here, the less it feels like my home. I know how I like to live and do things, but until I'm done with school, I'm stuck living in someone else's house. I loathe the fact that I can't support myself right now.
I also hate being away from FDH. Night time is the worst. It seems like that's always when you are forced to reflect on what's missing in your life. During the day I can occupy my mind with things I have to do, but it gets to be that time of night, I'm tired and can't suppress the lonliness.
No, it's not like I'm without a place to live or a car or even loving family. It's just not the same. This is very personal, but I'm tired of keeping it to myself. I always feel a little better after I write how I feel...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
yay for an update!
On a side note, spring semester begins tomorrow bright and early. I've had such a relaxing break I'm not sure I'm ready to get back to the real world.
Still praying about Justin's situation and hopeful to have my honey with me soon!!!
And hopeful that if he gets the job, we can get married a little sooner...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
a happy little side note :)
Saturday, January 10, 2009
my honey surprised me!
Its not like I didn't enjoy my family, but all I wanted for Christmas was to be with him. Christmas Eve I got a call from Justin. I hadn't heard him so angry before. His captain screwed up his days off and gave him the friday and saturday after Christmas off. I felt bad for him but was also excited to get to see him sooner. My family and I left early that friday morning for home. Justin was there when we got in taking a nap at Gma's. He had worked the night before and then headed straight for east TN. Bless his heart, he was so exhausted. He spent the night at the house then we left saturday morning.

[Justin got a digital camera for Christmas and I was playing with it in the car on the way up there].
Justin and I had decided that when we have our Christmas with is family, we'd keep back one special/big gift to give when we were back at his house. The entire month of December he'd been talking about this gift he was excited about and how he was working on it for weeks. I bugged him about it and he gave me one hint: wedding. Well, that could be anything. Justin also later added that I had to do a scavenger hunt to get my gift. So he told be right before we got into South Fulton that I couldn't come in to his house before we went to his mom and dads for supper.
I had told him earlier that I'd kind of like to meet Bailey, his new jack russell terrier puppy. I waited in the truck at his house while he ran inside to do who-knows-what. About 10 minutes later he stuck his head out the door and motioned me to come inside. I walked into the kitchen and noticed on the carpet rose petals trailing towards his bedroom.
The house was dimmly lit and I could hear music coming from his room. At the door to his room, I could see rose petals leading up onto his bed and tea lights on all his furniture. He walked over to the bed and picked up a bath and body set. He told me he wanted to make sure my stay there was relaxing and romantic because of my rough semester of nursing school. I couldn't help it, I grabbed him and just held on and kissed him. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful man! Justin then walked to the dresser and picked up a Zales box that looked like the one my engagement ring came in. They was chocolate pearl earrings!!! And THEN he kissed me and told me he was going to run a bath for me and pour some wine! I was in shock! I mean he's a wonderful man and romantic, but I never thought he was this romantic! So I had a lovely candle lit cherry blossom bubble bath with a Shrek glass of wine. Hee hee...he had to put his own touch. There is lots more that happened while I was in his home town, but I'll leave the rest for another blog...Man I love my sexy cop!!!