My wonderful FDH has a way of making me sometimes think what the crap are you smoking? This evening I was talking on the phone with him and he was all excited because he found what he is going to give me as my wedding gift.
I assumed his excitement was a reflection of what mine would be. Never assume. He told me he is going to get me a Mallard [duck] wine holder. You're kidding right? No no...not at all. The convo went something like this
Me: "Honey, is this gift for me or you?"
FDH: "It's for you!"
"Just so you know, I'm not going to have a country kitchen so its not going to go"
"Yes it will"
"No, it can go in your 'man room'"
"I think you will like it"
Lol he's so cute when he's excited and wont take "no" for an answer. Siiiiigh. I will win this battle...
FYI: FDH is obsessed with duck hunting. Here in lies the reason for the fowl holder.
ducks live in the country, don't they???